Colorado School Social Work Association
IMPORTANT: This registration is only for confirmed sponsors and exhibitors to submit payment.
Interested sponsors must first submit this Sponsor Proposal Form. Upon approval, organizations/agencies will be provided the code to use in this registration form to provide payment for sponsorship/exhibitorship. Please email CSSWA with any questions:
If you are looking for general attendee registration, please follow this link.
The Colorado School Social Work Association (CSSWA) is excited for the return of our state conference.
The 2024 Colorado School Social Work Conference is titled
Growing Connected Communities
8:30 am - 3:30 pm
Adams 12 Conference Center:
1500 E. 128th Ave, Thornton, CO 80241
Lunch is included in the cost of registration: Attendees will indicate dietary preferences at registration.
Our conference is for an audience of school social workers and other mental health professionals or educators who support the social emotional and mental health needs of Colorado students and youth. We expect nearly 300 attendees.
Keynote Presenter - Dr. Julie Anne Laser!
Through her keynote presentation titled, Building Connections, Building Community, Sustaining Oneself, Dr. Laser will use Experiential Therapy theory to support School Social Workers getting to know each other better, and building community. Dr. Laser will also discuss the importance of finding what brings each participant joy and sustains them through challenging times.
Check out the CONFERENCE BROCHURE to learn more about Dr. Laser, the 15 breakout session presenters, and to view the conference itinerary.
Lunch is included in the cost of registration.
Attendees will indicate dietary preferences at registration.
Bronze - Exhibitor
Name and logo on brochure and conference virtual platform
Yes - as featured sponsor
Yes - as exhibitor
Name and logo on CSSWA website (duration by level)
12 months following the conference
6 months following the conference
3 months (as exhibitor) following the conference
Name and logo displayed on CSSWA communications and conference information
Yes as featured sponsor
Yes as sponsor
Yes as exhibitor
Logo displayed in various areas of conference
Yes, and Logo or Banner (provided by sponsor agency) displayed during Welcome Address
Exhibit space at venue
Prime exhibit space and table
Exhibit table included
Verbal recognition at Welcome Address
Conference Attendance Registration Included?
Yes - for 2 attendees
Yes - for 1 attendee
Coffee Sponsor $500
Upon arrival, attendees will self-serve coffee, network with fellow attendees, and settle in before the conference begins. We anticipate nearly all attendees will visit this area of the conference. Sponsoring the coffee will be a great way to greet and connect with conference attendees and display/share information about your organization!
Name, logo, signage around table and coffee stations
Name and logo on CSSWA website for 3 months
Name and logo displayed on CSSWA communications and conference information as Breakfast Sponsor
Representative presence, if desired, while participants self-serve coffee
Lunch Sponsor $1,000
A variety of boxed lunch options will be served to all attendees of the conference. Lunch is included in attendees’ registration fee. We anticipate every attendee will visit the boxed lunch location. Sponsoring the conference lunch will be a fantastic way to greet and connect with all conference attendees and display/share information about your organization!
Name, logo, and signage displayed in various areas of the conference
Name, logo, signage in lunch distribution area and at conference tables during lunch break
Name and logo displayed on CSSWA communications and conference information as Lunch Sponsor
Representative presence, if desired, while participants are distributed boxed lunches
Hydration Station Sponsor $350 (Water, Lemonade & Iced Tea)
We always anticipate that participants will be thirsty and want to stay hydrated during a conference. Sponsoring the hydration station is a great way to greet and connect with all conference attendees and display/share information about your organization.
Name, logo, signage around table and hydration stations
Name and logo displayed on CSSWA communications and conference information as Hydration Station Sponsor
Representative presence, if desired, near lemonade and iced tea stations (participants self-serve)
Official State Association of the
The Colorado School Social Work Association is a
501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
545 3rd St, PO Box 11, Monument, CO 80132
Contact Us